Guatemala News and MAPS Update

This is our scout team that came to the James Project in Monjas, Guatemala on a vision trip. There were four churches represented in our group, three from the Kansas City area, and one from Vancouver, Canada!

Good morning everybody!

I’m back from Guatemala and have a lot to share about my recent trip! Before I do that, let me say a few words about our January “MAPS” initiative.

MAPS Update

If you are joining us in this update for the first time, “MAPS” is our daily scripture plan for having lifegiving conversations with Jesus. For those who have engaged in our January experiment, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. I’m grateful that Nola and I have been able to do it together—even with me being out of the country. Besides getting some spiritual traction, we have had some good laughs along the way as I have bumbled along in several of my scriptural commitments! Check out the Zoom call replays for a couple of these stories!

Join Us in February!

Now that we have done this in January, we’d like to keep it going and invite you to jump in with us in February! The focus of this month is: “What is our mind occupied with?” (What are we thinking?)

Below are several links to get started. One is a link to a recording of our last Zoom meeting from January 26th. It starts with me at Arrowhead Stadium right before the Chiefs game! I shared a bit about my trip to Guatemala before Bill led the group in hearing from one another about how it’s been going. Note that our next MAPS Zoom call will be Sunday, February 16th, at 4pm.

Links to Our MAPS Info

As always, I love hearing from you. If you have a MAPS story, write us!


PS…now scroll down below for the Guatemala news and pics!

James Project in Guatemala

Jim Fruth and Dave Owen were my partners on this trip from Lenexa Baptist. Jim is the Executive Pastor at LBC. Dave is a former Lieutenant Governor for the state of Kansas and a former professional roper!

As I mentioned last time, for me, part of this trip was a scout trip to check out the James Project in Monjas, Guatemala. This is a ministry that is rescuing children from abuse and neglect and helping to restore families in crisis. I went down with Jim Fruth and Dave Owen of Lenexa Baptist. After spending time with them, I stayed an extra week to make the rounds with Cesar to touch base with friends in other places doing cowboy ministry, soccer stuff, and a ministry to senior adults in Santa Cruz Narranjo.

From my perspective, I was amazed at how all our connections came together. Here are a few pics to tell the stories.

This is Bryon and Tiffany Applegate. Originally from the Springfield, Missouri, area, they picked up the torch around 2013 from the founders, Joanne Hartley and Carroll Bishop, and are the directors of the ministry.

Tiffany is sharing the view of the surrounding mountains near Monjas. Jim Fruth is looking on from the right.

The first evening at the ministry, the children welcomed us by family units. While there are approximately 115 children cared for at the ministry, the children are given a home and a family unit to stay with. Each family unit consists of about 8-12 children and father and mother figures they call aunts and uncles, who stay with them.

Here’s one of the houses getting ready to sing their theme song to our group.

The children were quick to give hugs to all of us. Here Jim and Dave share a moment with two little girls.

The following day, Bryon took us around the property to see the houses and the agricultural projects they use to raise as much food as possible to feed the children.

Bryon shares how this is a typical home where the children stay. Here we are standing in the kitchen area where the children eat together.

During the tour, I met up with two good friends who work for Project James—Glendy and Manfredo. I’ve known Manfredo for more than 20 years as we have done cowboy ministry at his father’s ranch from time to time. Glendy was one of the leaders in the local Lions Club who helped us in our soccer project a little over a year ago. Incidentally, Glendy grew up in the home and after graduating college moved back to work with Project James. She and Manfedo are counselors and their primary role is helping the children with their court appearances.

Jeff and Chelsea Hatfield, of the Foundry Church in Lenexa, Kansas, share a moment with a little baby in the arms of one of the workers. Some of the teen children come to the center having been impregnated by family members or by random strangers if they have been pimped by the adults in their life.

Here we are praying over the ground of an adjacent property where new structures will house battered women and their children together.

Here, Chelsea prays over a mom with an incredible story of survival and God’s grace. Part of their programs involve helping women outside of the ministry compound who have been widowed or abandoned by their husbands.

After our team left the James Project to go home, Cesar and I came back to Monjas a couple of days later and put on an event at the children’s home with some of our cowboy friends from the Cattlemen’s Association in Monjas and the Lions Club in Monjas. The following pics are from that day.

Cowboy Day at James Project!

On that Saturday morning of the event, we met up with some of our friends at the Cattlemen’s Association rodeo arena in Monjas. When we invited them to come with us to pull off an event with the kids that day, they eagerly jumped into action with us.

When we got to the center, our rancher friends were ready to round up the kids and show them how to rope!

It was a great privilege for Cesar and me to meet Carroll Bishop, one of the founders, who still lives in Monjas and came to our event. Originally from Montana, she was more than happy to put on a cowboy hat to take a picture with Cesar!

Here the president of the Cattleman’s Association brings a greeting to the children.

In short order, Cesar took one of the cowboy ropes and made it a jump rope. Turning the ropes are a couple of our Lions Club friends.

The kids loved the sack races.

Musical chairs is always a hit.

Here Gloria gives a prize to the jump rope champion.

The president of the Cattlemen’s Association and one of the Lions Club members gives a prize to the girl who won the musical chairs competition.

After the competitions, Gloria divided the children up to ask each other what they were thankful for and what they were concerned about. Then she led them to pray for each other. Here she is saying a final prayer of blessing over the children. Gloria is a dedicated teacher and follower of Jesus, and last year I spent several days with them when Cesar and I were following up on our big soccer event in 2023 that saw many soccer enthusiasts and children come to Christ.

Before we left, we got a group picture. Unfortunately, the person who took the picture cut off some folks on the right side of this picture!

I was amazed at how God brought several of our friends together to bless the children of the James Project. Cesar will be going back to Monjas next week as the Cattlemen’s Association will be having their annual fair, and one of the days they will be hosting a free Children’s festival. Since meeting the children at James Project, they wanted to make sure that they are invited to be special guests of the Cattlemen’s Association.

Stay tuned for more info as we partner with Lenexa Baptist and the James Project!

Making the Rounds

Here are a few pics from when Cesar and I met up with friends in various places that second week.

At the Senior Center in Santa Cruz Narranjo, I got to “win” the dancing competition with this dear lady!

Here Cesar gives her a scarf that she proudly wears.

In attendance with us at the Senior Center was the leadership team from the mayor’s office of Santa Cruz Narranjo. Joining us on the far left is Cesar’s son, Cesar Jr., who was visiting Cesar and Elba from Los Angeles for part of that week.

On another day, we set up an event for cowboys in Santa Rosa de Lima. Here, Cesar is directing some boys in hammering in the stakes for some horseshoe throwing.

Melanie, one of Cesar’s granddaughters, tries her hand at swinging a rope.

Here is Cesar with Valentin, one of our good friends who is a pastor near Nueva Santa Rosa, Guatemala. His family has cattle and have grown coffee for decades. Anytime we are in the area, Valentin is quick to help.

One day was spent with several soccer teams we have worked with in the past. Here is a team in Amberes, near Cesar’s home.

One of the older boys’ soccer teams came over to Cesar’s for an evening of food, fun, and a devotion. Cesar got the boys playing Connect 4 before we ate. Two years ago, he got me to promise to buy hamburgers for several of the boys on this soccer team if they would pray that the Kansas City Chiefs would win the Super Bowl! They know little about American football, but they are quite aware that the Chiefs have not lost a Super Bowl since they started praying! So as you can imagine, they are already planning a third annual hamburger party!

A couple days after getting home from Guatemala, I got to attend the AFC Championship game with my sons, Josh, Ryan, and Zac! I’m hoping they will help me with my hamburger fund!

Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support.

Love y’all!


You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:

Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210

Click here to Invest Now

More Maps and Steve HeadiNG to Guatemala

Three of our grandkids, Bridget, Addie, and Connor, help their daddy, our son Ryan, shovel their driveway.

Happy New Year everyone! 

Hope you are staying warm today. Here in Kansas City, we are digging out from a big snowstorm that walloped us this past weekend. Every year when it gets to be snow shoveling time, Nola accuses me of scheduling a Guatemala trip. Well, she is not wrong!

Next Monday, January 13th, I am scheduled to go to Guatemala on a scout trip with Jim Fruth and Dave Owen of Lenexa Baptist. We plan to check out a ministry in Monjas and then meet with some of our cowboy friends in three different places—including Monjas. You might remember that we have done various projects in Monjas through the years. The last big thing was a soccer tournament in 2023 that had a huge impact. We hope to give you a quick report while we are there.

You Can Still Join us to do “MAPS”

Before I head out of the country, I want to let you know that we got a good start on our January MAPS kickoff. This is our daily scripture plan for having lifegiving conversations with Jesus during the month of January. If you are interested in joining us, it’s not too late. We recommend that if you join us, don’t worry about catching up on the days you missed. Just start on whatever scripture is given for that day and keep going.

Below is a link to a recording of our Zoom meeting from December 29th. It highlights some helpful information in getting started. Note that this coming Sunday, January 12th, at 4pm, we’ll do another Zoom meeting to check in with one another to see how it’s going.

Links to Our JaNUARY maps eXPERIMENT

Thanks for Your Generosity in 2024

As we turn the corner into 2025, I must say a quick word of thanks for your financial and prayer support in 2024. So many things we were able to do because of your faithful prayers and generosity.

As always, I love hearing from you. If you have a good snowstorm story or pic, send it to me!

Love y'all!


PS…Here’s another pic…this one of a couple of our grandsons!

Izaiah shows good snowball throwing form while his brother Zeke tries to decide if being out in the cold is worth it!

You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:

Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210

Get S.M.A.R.T. in 2025

Merry Christmas everyone! 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We sure did.

I know I am dating myself, but do you remember the “Get Smart” TV series where Maxwell Smart and his trusty sidekick, Agent 99, would solve crimes and deal with international intrigue? If not, you can look it up!

In my update last week, I shared about how I needed to open my heart to God for me to be obedient to His will for me. Today I want to talk about how we can “get smart” and make S.M.A.R.T. commitments when we are following directions from God.

This reminds me of something my grandfather used to say when I was a kid. He said, “We grow too soon old and too late smart!” Back then, I thought the saying sounded kind of funny. Now I look in the mirror and realize how true that is!

How do we grow S.M.A.R.T. in our walk with God?

Making S.M.A.R.T. Commitments

Several of us are about to embark on making daily scriptural commitments to God, and this acrostic has been extraordinarily helpful to me. You might have heard it in a business seminar on setting smart goals. Here, it helps us when seeking to obey God’s directions. To do this we want to make it:


If our commitment is vague or too broad in scope, it becomes hard to get a win, so the more specific, the better.  


If our commitment can’t be measured, we won’t know if we’ve succeeded in fulfilling it.


If our commitment is too big, we get discouraged when we fail. Every big goal needs to be broken down into small, achievable steps that over time might reach what we can’t attain in a day. Small steps over time can get us over the mountain.


If our commitment is not related to the scripture verse we are trying to obey, we can get unfocused on the main reason we are doing this—to be obedient to God’s directions every day.

T--Time bound

If our commitment doesn’t tell us when we plan to get the job done, we can put it off and procrastinate. Giving ourselves a deadline helps us take action at the appropriate time.

An Example of a S.M.A.R.T. Commitment

Let’s look at Colossians 3:19 and see if we can make a S.M.A.R.T. commitment. The verse says:

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

So let’s take a first stab at this and come up with an action that I want to take to be obedient to this verse. I could say this:

My action: Starting today, I want to love my wife more.

Let’s run it through the checklist.

S—Is it specific? No. What specifically am I going to attempt to do to love her? Not clear.

M—Is it measurable? Not really. I’m just going to try to love more.

A—Is it attainable? It’s too vague to even know if I actually was successful.

R—Is it relevant? Yes, it is at least relevant to the passage.

T—Is it time bound? No. There is not a deadline for me to know when to evaluate my commitment.

Take a Mulligan

Let’s try another run at this and see if I can do better.

My action: By God’s grace, on Tuesday when I get home around 6pm, I will find Nola and express my love for her. I will hand her a single red rose, give her a kiss, and tell her how much I appreciate her.  

S—Is it specific? Yes. I can clearly see what I get to do.

M—Is it measurable? Yes. I even know how many roses and what actions are involved!

A—Is it attainable? Yes. I can do it.

R—Is it relevant? Yes, it is relevant to the scripture that directs me to love my wife and not be harsh with her.

T—Is it time bound? Yes. I need to do it on Tuesday at 6pm.

Get S.M.A.R.T. with me in January

You, YES YOU!, can join me and others in our January experiment. Use these links to register, get the January MAPS template and join us on the zoom call.

Let’s Go for it when the Ball Drops!

With only a few days left before our Zoom call this Sunday, I’m getting excited! I pray that what we do together will help all of us get some spiritual momentum when the ball drops at midnight on January 1st.

As always, I love hearing from you, so keep those cards and letters coming!

Love y'all!


PS…If you are wanting to get a final end of year gift to us, remember that anything postmarked by December 31st counts towards 2024 giving.

You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:

Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210

Open Hearts for 2025

This amazing shot was taken five years ago of my open-hearted friend, Jason Neland, in the Smoky Mountains overlooking Clingmans Dome near the border between Tennessee and North Carolina. Wow!

Good morning everyone! 

In my update last week, I shared a quick synopsis of a plan I want to follow in January of 2025 to raise my level of obedience to the Word of God, and I invited you to join me. Today I want to share how we can get our hearts ready for that process.

Closed Heart vs. Opened Heart

This was a big part of my problem that I mentioned to you in my Thanksgiving confessional a couple of weeks ago. For most of last year, there was a part of my soul that I didn’t want to think about. I was open to God in many areas, but in one particular place where I felt shameful, I didn’t want to even consider it. Yet, when God’s grace crashed in on me, I felt that I couldn’t do anything but open up, knowing that God loves me even in the middle of my shame.

As I think about it now, there were five things that happened to me when I opened up to God. Here’s the process that we can go through when we want to be intentional about having our hearts open. Note that this applies to any area where we need spiritual traction.

  1. I opened up by disarming.

    In my soul I had a shield of protection I was holding up to protect myself from my shame. When God’s grace overwhelmed me, I dropped my shield and realized I didn’t need to protect myself from such a gracious God who had overridden my shame and blessed me beyond belief.

  2. I listened to Jesus.

    After I opened up and realized where I was protecting myself, I slowed down to listen to Jesus and what He thought about me.

  3. I talked to Jesus directly about it.

    I ventured in to reveal my struggle with shame.

  4. I trusted Jesus.

    I surrendered my control and aligned myself to whatever Jesus wanted to do with me and this area where I was stuck.

  5. I obeyed Jesus.

    In this case I felt that Jesus wanted me to share about my shame with some trusted friends. In the very area that I wanted to keep under wraps, I trusted Jesus to do something good with it when I relayed my story with others.

Let’s Take An Inventory of Our Hearts

I want to continue to monitor my heart, knowing that I can easily have other places where I might be holding back. Maybe you feel the same way. Wouldn’t it be great for all of us to have open hearts and souls ready for a fresh start with Jesus this year?

An Invitation to An Experiment in January

If you are interested in joining me and others in our January experiment, I’d like you to register to get in on our M.A.P.S. plan that we described last week.

Let’s Do This!

I’m getting excited as we get closer to doing this together. As always, I love hearing from you, so keep those cards and letters coming!

Love y'all!


PS…Stay tuned for the next update where we’ll share how to make “S.M.A.R.T.” commitments to God’s directions.

PSS…If you are wanting to get a final end of year gift to us, remember that anything postmarked by December 31st counts towards 2024 giving.

You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:

Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210

Plan For a Great Start to 2025

Good morning everyone! 

In my update last week, I mentioned that I needed to be consistent in connecting with Jesus every day. I allowed the distractions of life to keep me from a vital spiritual practice that had helped me in the past.

It is important for me to have an intentional plan. If you are looking for something to spur you on in your walk with God, I would highly encourage you to join me and others in doing this together.

Why I Need a Different Kind of Plan

For me, one of the most challenging parts of being a follower of Jesus comes not in getting more information or teaching, but in being obedient to the teaching I have already been exposed to. In Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus told His followers to make disciples and “teach them to obey everything I have commanded you…”

I don’t know about you, but I have been taught way beyond my level of obedience! I love hearing great messages. But most times when I hear a good message, I walk away saying, “Wow, that was great!” But within a day or two I forget it and never do anything about it. I hate that about me. I can easily be a hearer of the Word of God and not much of a doer (James 1:22).

So, my aim in 2025 is to raise my level of obedience to the Word of God. Maybe you are wanting to do the same thing.

A Response to God’s Commands Vs. REading a Devotional

What I am inviting you to do with me is a little different than reading a devotional thought every day. It is an intentional plan to respond every day directly to scriptural directions from God—to obey what Jesus commanded us. Each day we plan to engage with one scriptural command/direction to follow or avoid, one simple action, and one prayer of commitment. For me, the process usually takes about 15 minutes.   

Here is the quick outline of how it works. To remember it, just think of “MAPS.”   


Choose from God's Word a simple, direct command or a direction to follow or avoid. If you join me we will provide a list of scriptures.

Repeat the verse to know what it says. Some like to write it or type it out on their computer. Then run it through the M.A.P.S. process.

Meaning/Paraphrase: What does it mean? Write the scripture out in your own words. (Helpful Resource: Dictionary)

Action: What am I going to do to respond? How can I obey this command or direction to follow or avoid in a specific way?

Pray: Write out and pray a simple prayer.

Story: Share your story about the verse, your paraphrase, and your action with someone in person, text, email, or on the phone.

An Example of MAPS

With this outline, let’s take Matthew 7:1, a verse I did this week, and model the process so you can see how it works. The scripture says: 

“Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged.” Matthew 7:1 CSB

Meaning/Paraphrase: My paraphrase for this verse was: “Do not condemn so that you won’t be condemned.” Someone else might have translated it, “Don’t be nitpicky so that you won’t be nitpicked.” Remember this is in your words.  

Action: I wrote, “By God's grace, I will not be critical of Nola today, and instead will be gracious to her.”  

Prayer: My prayer was, “Jesus, help me be gracious with family today—especially with Nola.” 

Story: I emailed my commitment to Bill.

Note: This process invites us to write things down. I have done this with pencil and paper as well as on the computer. In recent days, I have come to appreciate the fact that if I write on my computer, I can more easily pass it on and keep track of my commitments. Know that you can do it anyway that will help you be most consistent, even if you start out by just working through the process mentally.

An Invitation to An Experiment in January

I am making a commitment to do this every day in January. Would you like to join me? Here’s how it works. When you respond to this email you’ll receive:

Respond to this email to let me know if you want to join me in this.

I’m looking forward to seeing what God does with us along the way!  

Finally, thanks again for your grace and mercy towards me. Several of you encouraged me with calls and notes about my Thanksgiving confession. That meant a lot and is helping me get more traction in my conversations with Jesus. 

Love y'all!


PS…Stay tuned for the next update where we’ll share how to prepare our hearts to make our conversations with Jesus life-giving and empowering.

A Thanksgiving Confession

Good morning everyone!

On our annual Thanksgiving reunion, this is a sunrise snapshot of Tenkiller lake near Muskogee, Oklahoma, near where Nola’s family has gathered for many years. On that morning walk, I was thinking about how I could best share this update with you.

Good morning everyone! 

I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving! We sure did. One of the things I'm grateful for is that I am reconnecting with Jesus. For much of this past year, I've been more hit and miss in regards to investing intentional time with God. For a while I attributed it to this year's messy reconstruction of our house. I assumed that after the project I would snap back out of it and resume as if nothing happened. But for months I did not. 

Then, in the early part of October, I stopped to reflect on the past year of mission projects. In reviewing that, I was overwhelmed by God's grace. In a year when I was in a spiritual slump, God had blessed us way beyond what we deserved.  

As I reflected on God’s grace toward me, it became clear when my slump started. 

Steve’s Confession 

A couple of years ago, I was asked to do a memorial service for some old friends. During the message, I shared the gospel and invited people to pray and receive Christ. I should have stopped there. I went on for way too much time to share a recent mission experience that took the focus off of the family and put it on my missionary work. After sitting down, I thought, "Why did I do that?" But what was done was done.

Later, I texted the family a quick note of gratitude for a generous honorarium. I considered apologizing for taking too much time at the end, but I felt like that would distract from my note of appreciation. 

A day or two later, I received a text from the family telling me that they were offended by the additional story. Those words stabbed me. They were right. My story was about me and was unnecessary. I immediately drafted a long text of apology. After a few more days of texting, I received one last text that my apology was acceptable. They added that they hoped that I had learned something and would not do this to anyone else in the future.  

The Destructive Power of Shame

The net effect on me was a big case of shame. I felt humiliated. I had failed God and this family in a very public way.  

David, in one of his Psalms said,

Before I confessed my sins, my bones felt limp, and I groaned all day long. Night and day your hand weighed heavily on me, and my strength was gone as in the summer heat. Psalm 32:2-3 CEV

I think that describes what happened to me. Anytime I thought about what I did, I ached with regret. I held it in. I didn't want to talk about it. Many times the memory caused me to groan out loud. 

Looking back now, my shame caused me to close off a big part of myself and hide from God. Whenever I got anywhere close to shame, I avoided the thought. Because of that, even though there were times I went through the motions reading my Bible and praying, my heart remained closed off in this area that I was ashamed of.  

Rescued by Gratitude

But let's get back to the gratitude. Since the realization that God's blessings have been way beyond what I deserve, I have had a renewed desire to get back into the game--not to prove anything or earn anything, but to enjoy a second chance with Jesus out of a true spirit of thanksgiving for all He has done. 

Join Us to Connect Daily with Jesus in 2025

As I am writing this, I am about a week into re-engaging in this daily conversation with Jesus in written form. With this momentum, I am looking to have a month-by-month plan ready for being consistent in 2025. Maybe you would too?

If so, please consider joining me in making daily life-giving conversations with Jesus a priority. More details about this invitation will follow in the next update. 

Thanks for your grace and mercy toward me and your continued prayers. God is good! 

Love y'all.


Lenexa Baptist Nicaragua Missions Trip Report

Before heading to the airport on our last day in Nicaragua, we took this group photo of our Lenexa Baptist team. 

Good morning everyone!

As I write this update, I (along with many of you) have been waiting with prayerful anticipation for the results of the presidential election. And shortly before completing this, President Trump has been declared the winner. Please continue to pray for him and for our nation and for a peaceful transition.

While we pray about this new era in our country, I’d like to tell you about a fantastic mission trip I got to participate in with Lenexa Baptist Church and Project Hope in Nicaragua. During the trip, our team simultaneously worked on construction projects at the Project Hope base, a VBS for children at Project Hope’s Taellor’s House for children, and a baseball clinic for boys. In each category we accomplished what the Project Hope team needed us to do, and I must admit that we all had a ton of fun doing it together.

I was involved mostly with translations for the baseball team and the VBS team. The construction team got a wall built, a playground painted, and sound panels completed for the dining hall (which made a huge difference in the ability to have conversations without a distracting echo!).

Our baseball team saw 13 boys pray to receive Christ over the three days of the baseball clinic. Each day we did testimonies before the training. Here are a few pics of our first ever Nicaraguan baseball trip.

Nicaragua Baseball Project

In Nicaragua, baseball is about equal to soccer as the most popular sport for kids. At Taellor’s House, last year a team erected a batting net for pitching and batting practice. The Taellor’s House team were runner’s up in a national league championship last year! 

On our first day of talks to the boys at Taellor’s House, these 10 boys prayed to receive Christ. On the far left is Selvinth Maldonado, a Lenexa Baptist member and chaplain for the Kansas City Royals’ Spanish speaking baseball players. Next to him is Brian, the boys baseball coach and teacher who is a dedicated follower of Jesus. On the far right is Jason Neland, who is chaplain for the Kansas City Monarchs baseball team. (And if you are keeping score at home, Jason was also on our August Guatemala trip with his family!) The boys loved hearing their stories of some of their favorite baseball players and of their testimonies of coming to Christ. 

Kevin Bost makes a point before the training starts. Kevin was the leader of our coaches and planned our schedule each day. 

Selvinth Maldonado shares with the boys that what he is telling them is the same thing he told Salvador Perez last week! When it comes to our value before God, we are all the same, no matter how famous we might be. 

Rene (green shirt), a Nicaraguan team member who pitched professionally in Nicaragua before a shoulder injury ended his career, shares his testimony of how he came to know Christ.  

On the last day, Jason Neland shared a picture of a baseball player he had the privilege of baptizing this past July.  

And then Jason brought his friend up on a Zoom call to talk with the boys! 

Kevin instructs the boys before dividing up the teams for a scrimmage. 

The last day it was fun to see the boys and all the coaches play a friendly game together. 

Like we have done on other trips with a lot of pictures, I want to give you our prayer concerns and then show you some pictures of the other things we did below that.

10:02 PRAYER

(Pray Luke 10:2 each day at 10:02 am or pm that the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers into His harvest fields.)

Pray for the children who prayed to receive Christ, that they will be given increasing opportunities to grow in their new found faith and that the leaders at Project Hope will be effective in their discipleship of these kids. Pray too for our nation and for a spiritual awakening here in the United States and around the world.


We are in the process of scheduling mission trips for 2025. Right now, I anticipate doing a cowboy trip sometime during the year, a soccer trip in April, and another school evangelism trip in the summer. If you or your church would like to be in the loop on any of these trips, let me know!


Thank you so much for your continued partnership in this ministry. Your giving has been strategic for us all of this past year.

You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:

Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210

Thanks again for your support. Please let us know about any of your prayer needs.

Love y’all!


PS…Below are more pics! Lots more!

At the start of each day, we’d have a large group experience and then a small group time. During the large group time on our first morning, my good friend, Eduardo Mejia (right), shared a devotion. Mikel, one of the translators, translated whatever Eduardo said in English or in Spanish. 

On our third day in country, Mikel had us perform various parts to the biblical story of David getting selected to be the next king of Israel. For some reason he picked on me to be David! In the background left is Justin Pedigo. Behind Mikel is John Bednarczyk, then, Jeff Buckner, and on the far right is Karl Ploeger. 

This week in our small groups, we had Project Hope staff mixed in with the Gringos to follow up on the theme brought out in our large group time. Several of the stories and comments bonded our group as we shared with one another. 

The wall building team was very industrious this week, getting a new wall built on the mission compound in Sandino. On the left is Mike Meisinger, then Tim Dykman, aka Nehemiah!  

For a couple of days, another team helped install a greatly needed septic overflow for the plumbing system at Taellor’s House. The Lenexa team, starting with the tall guy on the left, are Eric Offill and the three Davids: David Wroten, another David from Springfield, Missouri, and David Patterson, also of Springfield.  

Eric smooths down the gravel as the last step in completing the septic overflow project. 

Emily Hunt moves a ladder over for me to hop up on to paint the top of a playground slide at Taellor’s House. Looking on is Julie Crocker. 

The team that finished the sound panel project from bottom left clockwise: David Wroten, Howard Dickinson, Emily Hunt, Justin Hunt, Justin Pedigo, Julie Crocker, Jeff Buckner, and Emily Ploeger. (Somebody is hiding behind Jeff!) 

On one of the VBS days, Rhonda Reinhardt shares with the children as I translate for her. 

In the background, Emily Hunt tries to follow the motions to a favorite song of the children. 

Doing the world famous chicken song! 

Craft time! 

Jason helps pass out paper plates for an art project. 

Patti Horton helps a boy glue some beans to his paper. On a side note, on this trip, Patti and I realized that she and her husband were a part of a church we started over 30 years ago! 

Rhonda poses with a little boy proud of his artwork. 

Fun days with children in Latin America almost always involve a piñata! 

On Thursday night we had a big celebration together with the teachers and parents and families. Here, Kelly Hughes gives the teachers a gift from our team. 

Karl Ploeger and his daughter Emily give a bag of food to one of the families. Taking their picture is Tammy Stearns, one of the missionaries dedicated to the Project Hope operations. 

The last day with Taellor’s House we had a fun morning of competitions with the children. Here, each team passes a football in a relay race. 

After the football, the same relay was done with wet sponges! 

Here, the team squeezing out the most water from their sponges wins! Wendy Bost helps a girl funnel the water. Emily looks on. 

After one last water balloon fight, most of the kids were soaked and happy! 

The last day, the team got to spend a couple of hours at the beach. 

Jason, Selvinth, and David explore some tide pools. 

At the Oasis Church in Sandino, I just happened to be wearing a “Legendarios” (Legendaries) men’s ministry shirt I got a couple years back. And it just “happened” to be their Sunday for recruitment for an upcoming Legendarios men’s retreat coming up in November! It’s like I got the memo or something! What fun! 

Rural Christian Workers Conference Update

Ransom Wentworth and his wife, Brittany, lead worship for the Rural Christian Workers Conference in Burwell, Nebraska.

Good morning everyone!

Bill and I just got back from a weekend trip to Burwell, Nebraska, for a Rural Christian Workers Conference on Saturday, October 12th, where Bill was invited to do a breakout session on prayer. Then on Sunday I had the privilege of giving a message and a mission report to our friends at Burwell Baptist Church, and Bill spoke at Cedar Creek Church, which is north of Burwell. Here are a few pics of our time there. Special thanks goes to Joel Wentworth, pastor of Burwell Baptist, who directed the conference and keeps inviting us up!

Bill gets his honorary mug from Joel Wentworth for leading a breakout session on prayer.

Pastor Andy Addis of Crosspoint Church in Hutchinson, Kansas, was the keynote speaker for the conference. Bill and I really enjoyed getting acquainted with Andy and his wife, Kathy. Andy has an amazing story of how their rural church has multiplied to either start or revitalize over a dozen churches in rural towns all over Kansas.

In one of the sessions on prayer, Bill role plays with Jonathan in having a conversation that could lead to an opportunity to pray.

Before my missions report on Sunday, I coaxed the congregation at Burwell to do a quick greeting for Cesar and Elba Gonzalez in Guatemala.

In preparing to give my report to thank Burwell for more than 20 years of partnership, I put some slides together of our projects in the last 18 months, and as I was doing that, the evidence of God’s grace overwhelmed me.

While the pictures representing the hundreds of people making professions of faith in Jesus were impressive, what got me most were several pictures of individuals who have multiplied what we did after we left. And the clincher was a couple of pics of people thanking us for something we said or did 20 or more years ago. Amazingly, a few of those involved in one of those blasts-from-the-past stories were sitting in the congregation at Burwell! To me, that’s God’s grace on display. That’s God blessing us way out of proportion to anything we deserve or could take credit for. And we got to be a part of that! Yea God!

10:02 PRAYER

(Pray Luke 10:2 each day at 10:02 am or pm that the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers into His harvest fields.)

This Saturday, October 19th, a team of 29 of us from Lenexa Baptist Church will be going to Nicaragua to work with Project Hope for a week of construction, VBS for children, and leading a baseball clinic. Pray that our team will demonstrate a contagious love for each other and the Nicaraguan people as we partner with them in various endeavors. 


We are in the process of scheduling mission trips for 2025. Right now, I anticipate doing a cowboy trip in February or March, a soccer trip in April, and another school evangelism trip in the summer. If you or your church would like to be in the loop on any of these trips, let me know!


Thank you so much for your continued partnership in this ministry. Your giving has been crucial to all we have done the past several months.

You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:

Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210

Thanks again for your support. Please let us know about any of your prayer needs.

Love y’all!


PS…As I pack my bags for Nicaragua, I’m looking forward to our trip, but I’m also burdened for our nation, as I know many of you are as well. Let’s pray diligently together for God’s will to be done through us during this election season.

After the conference, Joel took us on a hike at the Calamus lake north of Burwell where the water level was low from a lack of rain. From left to right are Brandy and John Tiller (new friends from near Springfield, MO), Bill, Ethan (friend of Lindy), Lindy Wentworth, Linda Wentworth, and Joel Wentworth.

Guatemala Team Sees 614 Professions of Faith!

Good morning everyone!

It’s been a little over a week since we got home from our Lenexa Baptist Guatemala mission trip, and wow! Have we got some great news to share! As we mentioned before the trip, this team was scheduled to work in several public schools in the department of Santa Rosa, doing “Play. Story. Eat.” evangelism in three elementary schools and three high schools. And as a result of this team’s outreach, 614 children and adults made professions of faith!

Here is our Lenexa Baptist Guatemala team. From left to right on the front row are Courtney Neland, Jason Neland, Maggie Neland, Nola Reed, Steve Reed, and Ken Miller. On the back row from left to right are Anthony Cox, Jake Solem, Makayla Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Luke Neland, Ellie Conaway, Claire Henderson, Josh Neland, Evie Neland, Kisla Rodriguez, Gracie Neland, Angela Miller, and Anna Powell. 

Your Prayers Answered in Big ways!

Before we get into some of the stories, our team would like to say “Muchas gracias” to you for your prayers. In the last update, I listed several things to pray about, and God answered every one of your prayers—especially those prayers for effectiveness in communicating our testimonies and the gospel! Down below I will take each of those prayer concerns and mention how God answered each prayer so specifically.

Note that each day the team was scheduled to have about four hours in a particular school to do a combination of fun activities, classroom presentations, sports, faith stories, and share a snack and refreshment with the kids. Our team of 20 divided into four teams, and each team took a classroom to share testimonies, play games, and invite people to respond to the gospel message and pray to receive Christ. Those that prayed gave us their names and sometimes phone numbers, and that is how we kept count of those responding.

I have so many pictures to share with you! Each picture conveys a wonderful story that excites us, and we hope they might inspire you. Don’t miss the picture and story of a teacher who told me how we had impacted her as a child 20 years ago!

But before I show you those pictures, I want to highlight the answered prayers and how you can respond.

10:02 PRAYER

(Pray Luke 10:2 each day at 10:02 am or pm that the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers into His harvest fields.)

God answered your prayers! You prayed for:

1. Safety in travel for the team. We made it there and back with no issues. And even though it rained almost every day, the rains never stopped any of our outdoor activities!  

2. Each of our team members to stay healthy and be unified. We had a couple of days where several of our team had stomach bugs. Thankfully that only lasted a short time and all got better quickly. Our team did demonstrate a contagious love for each other and for those we encountered. Their flexibility was also evident as we navigated multiple changes each day.  

3. Each member of the team to have an opportunity to personally lead someone to Christ through their testimony. Wow! Was that prayer answered in spades! Every team member had the opportunity to share their testimony at least once a day and many several times each day.  Our team was able to connect well and were able to share the gospel clearly, persuasively, and with much joy. And 614 came to Christ as a result!

4. The follow-up plans. With so many new converts, there is much to be done to follow up. Pray especially for Cesar Gonzalez and his wife, Elba, as Cesar will be leading follow-up teams in each location.  


We plan to divvy up the names of those who came to Christ among our team so that we can pray for every one by name. If you would like to be a part of a prayer team that joins us in praying for these people, let me know, and we can give you a portion of these names to pray for.


Thank you for your continued investment in this ministry. Your giving made the difference for us to do what we did. We are so grateful to God and to you for the many blessings we have received in the process of doing this work.

You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:

Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210

Thanks again for your support. Please let us know about any of your prayer needs.

Now, check out these pictures!

Back to School!!!

Our first school was in Santa Rosa de Lima. 

I took a selfie with our classroom in Santa Rosa de Lima. Best I recall, most of these students prayed to receive Christ! 

Here, Kisla Rodriguez, one of our team translators (left), helps Nola tell her story in a classroom. 

Our team of younger folks were like rock stars the whole week taking pictures with hundreds of kids. In this pic are Anna, Josh, Claire, Makayla, Ellie, and Benjamin. 

In Santa Rosa de Lima, the students perform a marching band number for us. 

This is at a high school in Santa Rosa de Lima. 

Jason Neland promotes a game of football. Benjamin, Ellie, and Gracie look on. 

Jason teaches a group of high school students how to execute an American football play. Amazingly they got the idea and wound up enjoying their first chance to play an actual game!  

Anna and Gracie share a moment with several high school students and a teacher in Santa Rosa de Lima. 

Claire Henderson brought hundreds of balloons and made various animals for the children in this elementary school in Amberes. 

This little girl loves her butterfly balloon Claire made. 

Courtney Neland does a craft with a few children at an elementary school in Amberes. 

Gracie Neland braids a girl's hair while Makayla gets a big hug from another little girl. 

Claire, Ellie, and Jake "die" in the water skit while Josh is waiting in the wings to come searching for water as well. 

This teacher at an elementary school in Amberes told me a story of how 20 years ago, when she was 10 years old, she had come to a bonfire we had at Cesar Gonzalez' house for about 60 kids. She remembered us roasting hot dogs and marshmallows and telling stories that she said changed her life. She told us that what we shared that night had made a difference in her marriage! Today, she is married and has two children and believes from personal experience that what we were doing today would have a similar result on these children!  

During a sports day at a school in Amberes, I interacted with a group of kids over the message of the colored soccer ball. Evidently a class of about 25 students had missed getting a visit in their classroom the day before because their teacher had taken her sick child to the doctor. On the spot, we talked with the class, and there on the sidelines, all 25 of those children prayed to receive Christ! On further review I found out that their teacher was a good friend of ours who we have worked with for years. She was ecstatic that we had made the connection.  

Ken Miller and his daughter, Angela, share a moment with these children in Amberes. 

Anthony and Luis, one of our Nicaraguan pastor friends who had come to help Cesar during the week, got in a friendly arm wrestling match while several boys from Amberes watched.  

In Amberes, these girls connected with Gracie and wanted her to play on their team. 

Jason shares with a kindergarten class after his daughter, Maggie, had shared her testimony. 

Jason and his group got a picture with their grade school classroom in El Carrizal. 

Anthony does a balancing trick at an elementary school in El Carrizal. Anthony's story is an amazing one about how for 45 years he was a drug addict, and for a few years he was homeless. Now, more than 2 years sober, he is living a new life in Jesus! 

Evie and these girls try their hand at balancing the brooms. 

Josh, dressed as a lion, does the limbo while Courtney and Claire give an assist. 

Once the kids started, they all wanted to do the limbo, too! 

Makayla and Ken turn the rope for several boys jumping rope. 

Claire and Ellie are amazed at this little boy's skill at spinning a top on Ellie's hand. 

Ken Miller and his team take a pic with their class at a high school in El Carrizal. Pictured left to right are Evie, Angela, Benjamin, and Makayla. The girl with the sash had just won the title of Miss Independence Day. 

In Amberes, the final games for the elementary school were decided by penalty kicks! 

Jake played goalie for one of the boys teams and had to defend some penalty kicks himself! 

Benjamin Johnson and Luke Neland help with the trophy presentation as the high school principal looks on. 

Luke wound up playing goalie for one of the high school teams in Amberes. 

Makayla Johnson gives a trophy to one of the winning girls teams. Makayla played college volleyball for Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri, where she met her now husband, Benjamin. 

In Amberes, the teachers wanted to challenge the gringos in a basketball game. Here Evie dribbles down the lane while her mom, Courtney, blocks, and dad, Jason, refs the game. 

Anna is looking to pass while the teachers double down on defense. 

Josh prepares to launch the ball to a teammate while Evie looks on. 

Jason and I pose for a pic with Hamid, one of our pastor friends from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. We have known Hamid for over 20 years! But years ago, when Jason first met him, both were young men, and Hamid was a semi professional soccer player. This particular day, he had driven several hours to come speak to some of our soccer players. Below is an old pic of Jason and a few of his buddies with Hamid. See if you can pick them out! 

A pic from 20 some years ago! Do you see Jason and Hamid? 

Here Cesar introduces Hamid before he speaks to a group of soccer players. 

Several of our girls played with some girls from a soccer club run by Maria, one of our good friends. Top row includes Claire and Gracie. Bottom row has Ellie, Kisla, and Anna. 

Gracie, Claire, and Anna got their money's worth and played a second game with another team! 

Claire and Gracie try to team up to steal the ball. 

Kisla gathers the ball while Anna closes in on her. 

Benjamin, a former college soccer player for Evangel Universtiy in Springfield, Missouri, shows his stuff on a penalty kick. 

Ken, Angela, and Luke make sandwiches for the soccer players to eat when they finish their game. 

On one of the last days, the local fire department, which had accompanied us on two of the days of sports games, came to Cesar's house for a demonstration.

Here, Kisla volunteered to see if she could get the gear on in less than three minutes. 

To finish off their presentation, the fire department does the "ladder of the wind" and unveils an American flag to honor our team.  

After the firemen did their demonstration, Cesar wanted us to do the "brand" skit. Cesar narrated the story of how multiple people die without Jesus. Here, Jason gets to be one of the first, dying as a famous man. 

Cesar got the firemen to get Jason and carry him away. His brand of being famous didn't help him get to heaven. 

Ken died as a rich man. His brand was his money. It didn't help him gain heaven either. 

Anthony died as a drunk, whose brand was whiskey. After the skit, Anthony told his true story of being a drug addict, alcoholic, and homeless man. After sharing his testimony, and how he had come to Christ and been mentored by Jason for the past couple of years, every one of the firemen prayed to receive Christ as well! 

On one of our last mornings in Guatemala, I took most of the team on a sunrise hike in Amberes. 

This route is where I like to run when I'm in Amberes. This morning I took the crew to where I like to catch a few beautiful views. 

With the recent rains, this stream was a little more full than normal. 

The team took a few minutes to explore the river. 

Angela and Anna posed along the trail. 

The mountains of Guatemala can get into your heart and mind. 

On our next to last day in Guatemala, Makayla had a birthday, and we all celebrated with her! Here, Elba and Cesar Gonzalez look on as Kisla pulls off the candles and Nola cuts the first cake! It looks like Maggie will get one of the first pieces! 

On Sunday evening, we had a great visit with Juan Jose Davila, the mayor of Santa Rosa de Lima, pictured here in the white ball cap. As a result of our time together, he wants to continue working with us and was excited about what we did in the schools in his city. 

This is now the end of the pictures! Thanks for tracking this to the very end!

Love y’all!
